Fully Independent
Free From Sales Targets
Avoid Expensive & Disruptive Works
Excellent Aftercare
Over 10 Years Industry Experience
Fully Qualified & Insured
An incorrect diagnosis can result in expensive, disruptive and more importantly unnecessary building works. As an independent surveyor, I am free from sales targets and am paid no commission therefore my advice to you will be aimed at solving the problem as opposed to generating a profit. If remedial work is necessary then you will receive a detailed report along with a prescription for curing the problem.
Where the structural integrity of the timbers have been affected, replacement along with fungicidal or insecticidal spray treatments may well be necessary. It is however, important to bear in mind that some species of wood attacking insect and fungi do not require chemical treatment and it is for this reason that correct identification of the invading organism is paramount.

Coupled with this qualification I have been working as a surveyor within the remedial industry for over 10 years, and have carried out over 12,000 surveys to date, providing me with the requisite experience in order to make a considered and evaluated judgement.
If you have any concerns then feel free to email me or call me for a chat or alternatively fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

At this point many people will do an internet search and quite often choose from the first few companies at the top of the search page which inevitably are the large companies that offer “Free Surveys”.
Ideally, your survey should be carried out by someone that is suitably trained and qualified with no vested interest in the results of your survey. An independent surveyor will only be concerned with solving the issue by establishing the source of the problem and offering you the correct remedial advice.
A minimum requirement for anyone investigating dampness is for them to hold the C.S.R.T qualification. This ensures that they can demonstrate a general understanding of dampness in buildings while at the same time exercising a duty of care to the client.

- Penetrating moisture as a result of rainwater ingress via defective guttering, roof coverings, external fabric of building
- Rising Damp
- Condensation
- Salt contamination or Salt Damp
I’m happy to have an initial conversation with you in order assess some of the damp issues you are experiencing or you can also email me ore click Get In Touch tab at the bottom this page.

damp but this was a 1st floor window!
BS 8102 is a British Standards technical document that outlines the best practice when planning a basement waterproofing design. I am fully aware of the requirements of this code of practice and can ensure that any design is fully compliant with its recommendations.
It is important to keep in mind when undertaking such a project, that while cost is a factor to consider an incorrectly installed/designed system will most likely result in a failure.

Make sure that you achieve a dry, warm and more importantly waterproof accommodation with the peace of mind that someone with the appropriate training and experience has been involved with the project from the design stage.
Feel free to call or email so we can discuss any ideas that you have for waterproofing a below ground structure or simply fill in the form below and we will get back to you.